Pino Pinelli

Pino Pinelli (Catania 1938-Milano 2024)

His first artistic training took place in Catania, and in 1963 he moved to Milan, where he held his first solo exhibition in 1968 at Galleria Bergamini. In the following decade, the Sicilian artist embraced aniconicity to which he would remain consistent throughout his career, while adopting different forms and materials, always clearly distinguishable by his inclination to focus on the fragment. The artist gave birth in the 1970s to the Topologies cycles and the Monochrome series. These experiences placed him in the trend termed Analytical Painting. If at the beginning of his career the artist created works of large dimenticons, in 1975 Pinelli reduced the size of his works. In the same year on the occasion of the exhibition Empirica he made his first break where he moved away from the idea of painting and painted surface. In his career, Pino Pinelli has held more than one hundred solo exhibitions in Italian and international museums and cultural institutions and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions in museums around the world, also participating in the Venice Biennale (in 1986 and 1997), the Rome Quadrennial (1986 / 2006), Triennale d'Arte Lalit Kala Akademi in New Delhi. A retrospective dedicated to his work at the Palazzo Reale in Milan and Gallerie d'Italia in 2018. The Gallerie d'Italia in Milan, as well as the Museo del Novecento and Bocconi University host some of his works in their permanent collections, which are also present at Centre Pompidou in Paris, Collection CMR in Munich, MA*GA in Gallarate, Margulies Foundation in Miami, Mart in Trento and Rovereto, and Museion in Bolzano.

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